Aesthetic Wallpaper Pack
100% Proceeds go to Charity
Aesthetic Carpet Wallpapers for your Phone!
Featuring designs from throughout the Islamic Heritage, a remince and reminder of the beauty of Islam and it's teachings.
- 30+ Wallpapers Designs
- Free Future Updates
- High Quality - Designed for iPhone & Andriod
- Featuring Quotes & Carpets from Islamic History
Don't forget to leave an honest review with your most favourite wallpaper <3
Every Purchase Helps Charity
Charity is very important part of Fajr Noor as we believe there is Barakah (blessing) in giving. It is a fundament part of the Islamic identity, so whenever you shop at us, a portion of every sale is given as Sadaqah. This not only helps those in need but allows us and our customers to purify our wealth.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Charity does not in any way decrease wealth. The servant who forgives, Allah adds to his respect; and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates him in the estimation (of the people).” - Shahih Muslim 2588