Best Hijab Material for Summer

Best Hijab Material for Summer

This easy to follow guide will help you discover fun Hijab friendly outfits for Summer. And let you know the perfect hijab material for summer.   Summer months usually include light garments ...

Hijab and Abayas

Is it okay to wear the Abaya without Hijab?

We often get the question of whether or not its okay to wear the abaya without the hijab. While it is compulsory to wear the hijab as a muslim women, it is not forced. The decision to rock an abaya...

Can I wear the Abaya to work?

Can I wear the Abaya to work?

Hey Sister, have you been wondering if you can rock an abaya for work? The answer is: totally! But, it's important to make sure you're choosing an abaya that's appropriate for the office. Some wor...

Abaya DesignsTop 5 Best Abayas Designs for 2023

Top 5 Best Abayas Designs for 2023

As we enter 2023, it's clear that the abaya trend shows no sign of slowing down. From fashion influencers to everyday women, the abaya has been popular for many years. It is a fashionable and modes...

How to be a Modest Muslim Woman? Fajr Noor Australia

6 Steps to Promote Modesty (Haya) in Islam

Islam highly values modesty. Modesty (Haya) is an important part of our Faith. Prophet Muhammad said: "Haya does not bring anything except good." Source: Bukhari Modesty isn't just about the cloth...

Whats the best material for Abayas?

Whats the best material for Abayas?

Abayas are much more than just a dress for hijabis, they are much more than that. Abayas are an important religious and cultural way of dressing for many Muslim women around the world. It allows us...